Hi everyone! My name is Youssef and I moved to Egypt from the United States in late 2018 with the hopes of starting my own business, becoming a leader in my field, and growing my personal goals exponentially. 

My educational background is in finance, however, my career has always been in the fashion (apparel and accessories) industry. I have worked numerous corporate jobs, however, my true passion is growing with startups and new business, a place where my voice can be heard. 

Currently, I have 3 fashion brands that I have launched with two of my partners, who have moved from the UAE to Egypt as well. Collectively we have TGS Worldwide, REDU, and Morena. We launched these brands to bring more creativity and opportunity to those in our country and region. We currently work with local artisans in our community to promote sustainability and various other methods of sustainable business and growth. My dreams include growing my businesses further and becoming a staple in this society as well as helping those around us through our businesses. 

I see so much potential in Egypt and Africa with countless entrepreneurial opportunities and with so much regional talent, we can truly become world figureheads in our fields.